The Downward Facing Spiritual Spiral

How is technology impacting your life? Sure there’s an abundance of conveniences from tech, but what happens when your own emotions and decision making is controlled by tech and social media? The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to be more present, to turn off your phone and appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories while also interviewing fellow creatives to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Privacy And The "Heroism" of Intimate IG Posts
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
It feels like social media rewards those who post the most on their platforms. More emojis and likes and the more intimate and revealing the post, users are rewarded with even more attention on feeds. It seems like the world wants everyone to post the most intimate details of their lives on social media but is that a good idea? Today on this Patreon/Subscriber edition of the Spiritual Spiral, I wanted to talk about the fleeting idea of privacy and what message is it sending when Chrissy Teigen posts the most intimate details of her life on social media? Journalists and the media have referred to Chrissy as "heroic" but is it necessarily heroic to post intimate events on a public platform? Did Chrissy even have a choice since she's built a "brand" from non-stop social media posts. Maybe true heroism comes from retaining any ounce of privacy we have left. I have also been thinking about Cardi B lately and wondering if we'll ever understand the cultural impact stemming from her music. Artists have been singing about sexuality for years and I'm all for empowering women but is the world truly a better place with Cardi B's message and music being so readily available. You can also watch an IGTV video I posted about the same subject by clicking HERE and the full episode of today's show is only available by visiting If you enjoy today's episode and you want to support the show, please consider sharing the show with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access full episodes and exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter or IG @eddiecohn with any questions.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Larissa Corso
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Nearly 70 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. While the government still sorts out the next stimulus package, the unpredictably of the pandemic has certainly made me realize the value of saving money. Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I am excited to welcome my friend and financial strategist, Larissa Corso to the show. Larissa lost her previous job at the beginning of the pandemic, and we start the show by talking about how relieved she felt knowing she had money in savings. With time to reflect on her next career move, Larissa changed professions and became a financial strategist. Larissa and I talk about why she believes in saving actual cash and we discuss the financial freedom that comes from getting out of debt. She offers advice on how to save for your future while creating a budget for your day to day life and we chat about the importance of setting financial goals. I met Larissa almost five years ago at a yoga studio in Santa Monica so we also have a good laugh about some of my insane "rules of yoga. If you're looking for some financial advice or hope to achieve financial freedom, you can message and find Larissa on IG @larissameryn and If you enjoy today's episode and want to support the show, please consider sharing the show with your friends or visit iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access full episodes and exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter or IG @eddiecohn with any questions.

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Boundaries and Videotape
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Do boundaries exist anymore? It feels like people can text, DM, find you on Instagram and reach out to you at all hours of the day, but is that necessarily a good thing? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I'm compelled to share a story where I felt like someone was crossing the boundary. Even after calling him out on his behavior, I was the one who got into trouble. It appears that's the world we live in now where the cause of the drama doesn't matter, only the effect. I also play another clip from The Sam Harris podcast and share a few thoughts about a perspective I was led down in regards to the pandemic. The full episode is available by visiting If you enjoy today's episode and you want to support the show, please consider sharing the show with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access full episodes and exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter or IG @eddiecohn with any questions.

Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Where Did The Decency Go?
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
There appears to be a major disconnect when it comes to basic forms of communication. Are people truly listening, do people think of others when they speak and is it necessarily a good thing that we can potentially be connected to billions of people on social media? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I felt inspired to talk about basic forms of communication we often neglect instead opting for the easier emoji or DM. I discuss a recent article I wrote for Medium entitled, What Happened to Common Decency? I also talk about and play a clip from a recent Sam Harris podcast where Sam talks with Tristan Harris about The Social Dilemma and the impact of social media on our culture. If you enjoy today's episode and you want to support the show, please consider sharing the show with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter or IG @eddiecohn with any questions.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Matt Dery (Visit #3)
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Has sports become too political and how long will it take for fans to feel comfortable going to a packed sporting event again? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I am excited to welcome my high school friend Matt Dery back to the show. Matt is a sportscaster and podcaster and when I feel inspired to talk about the sports world, Matt has become my go-to guest. I was curious to hear Matt's perspective on the new look of the NBA and I also wanted to ask Matt if he thinks sports has become too political? Will sports ever look the same again and will people even care who wins the championship during the "bubble season?" We also talk about Lebron James, the influential power of the media and we discuss what it's going to take to inspire real change in our culture. Be sure to follow Matt on Twitter @Deryspeaks and If you enjoy today's episode, please share the show with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter or IG @eddiecohn with any questions.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Dr. Mackenzie Webster
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
How is the lockdown affecting mental health in our society? Why has there been such a rise in depression and anxiety over the last few months? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I am excited to welcome psychologist, Dr. Mackenzie Webster to the show. Mackenzie and I talk about the apparent rise of depression as a result of Covid-19 and why her practice is busier than ever. We discuss the toxicity and anxiety created by social media, the impact of the news media on the mental state of Americans and why watching the news can be such an unhealthy behavior. We talk about being in control, the fear of dying and I ask Mackenzie why she started practicing psychotherapy. Mack also shares some daily rituals she practices to keep a positive state of mind. If you enjoy today's episode, I'd be appreciative if you shared the show with your friends or went to iTunes and wrote a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website which is and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter @eddiecohn with any questions.

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
An Apology, Being Sensitive And Why Everyone's Right
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Are people more interested in seeking affirmation than seeking new information? Since everyone seemingly has an opinion on almost everything, have we created a world where people are less curious in finding the truth? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I begin the show by offering an apology, or at least an explanation as to why I became so fascinated by Covid-19. I actually think our cultural response to the virus can be attributed to the power of fear and the media and our culture's obsession with social media. I talk about a wonderful conversation Ellen Page had with Marc Maron where they discuss the challenges faced by people who are sensitive. I read an excerpt from Jon Rappoport's latest blog where he talk's about catching "Psychological Covid-19." Even I have moments where I think I have a sore throat, I feel anxious and think I "caught Covid." Finally, after reading Jerry Seinfeld's op-ed piece about the unshakable power of NYC as well as various articles about the apparent demise of New York City, I wonder who is actually correct? If everyone believes their own opinion is the truth and if people are more concerned with being right, does that mean we're less interested in finding the truth? If you enjoy today's episode, I'd be so appreciative if you shared the show with your friends or headed over to iTunes and wrote a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website which is and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter @eddiecohn with any questions.

Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sesa O' Connor
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
Sunday Aug 30, 2020
With the influx of technology and constant distractions, are people less connected with their true selves? Has our culture forgotten the intrinsic value of sitting still? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I'm excited to welcome the wonderful Sesa O' Connor to the show. Sesa is a yoga teacher currently living in Wilmington, NC where she teaches yoga and meditation at Yoga Salt. I met Sesa almost five years ago when I took a teacher training at Yoga Salt in Los Angeles and I was instantly drawn to her warm and heartfelt energy, her sense of humor and encouraging attitude. Sesa and I talk about the impact of tech on the yoga community and how the lockdown has impacted the way she teaches. We discuss the pros and cons of online yoga and why she offers her classes "by donation." We talk about the value of sitting still and connecting with your true self and why she believes social media is a great disruptor to true "connection." I also wanted to ask Sesa about a post she wrote on Instagram a few weeks ago that received quite a bit of backlash. While I felt the post was educational and helpful, we discuss the reaction and her intentions behind the post and why there may always be the potential for words to be taken out of context especially on social media. Be sure to follow Sesa on IG by clicking HERE and if you enjoy today's episode, please share the show with your friends or head over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by becoming a subscriber at where you can access exclusive content only available to subscribers. You can also visit my website which is and sign up for my email list and newsletter. You can find me on Substack by clicking HERE and as always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show. Please reach out on Twitter @eddiecohn with any questions.

About the Spiritual Spiral
Social media and technology are dramatically impacting the world, shifting people‘s values and turning human beings into robots. The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to turn off your phone so you can appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories from his own life while also interviewing musicians, yoga teachers and artists to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.