The Downward Facing Spiritual Spiral

How is technology impacting your life? Sure there’s an abundance of conveniences from tech, but what happens when your own emotions and decision making is controlled by tech and social media? The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to be more present, to turn off your phone and appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories while also interviewing fellow creatives to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Writing A Book, Trump's Idiotic "Parasite" Comment and Communication
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Texting, DMs, Email. So many methods to communicate with one another but are there just too many options? Is there proper etiquette to the way we should communicate and does anyone talk on the phone anymore? Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I am struck by the way communication has evolved and it’s surprising how people/friends of mine often don’t even respond to me. Are you like that? Does someone text or email you and you just don’t respond? Is that the new normal? I also talk about the sheer joy of finally finishing the latest draft of my book and being at a place where I feel ready to hear some honest feedback before I search for an agent and publisher. I share some thoughts on the ignorant comments Donald Trump recently said about Bong Joon Ho’s Oscar winning film, Parasite and I talk about the hypocrisy of Joaquin Phoenix’s acceptance speech and wonder if he’s actually doing okay. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Sasha Nichols
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
Saturday Feb 22, 2020
What is rule number one when it comes to a public yoga class? If you sweat all over your neighbor's mat, then you grab a towel and wipe up. Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I welcome my friend Sasha Nichols to the show. Sasha was next to me in class when the guy behind me sweat all over my mat so I start off by asking Sasha if I was rude to ask someone to "wipe up." We hear Sasha's perspective on my take on "yoga rules" and he talks about the "yoga high" and why he loves going to yoga class so much. Sasha and I discuss life, death, the potential overreaction to Kobe's death and we also share thoughts on the fear and anxiety that can come from flying and feeling like life could end at any moment. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Friday Feb 14, 2020
Darin Campbell
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Is it possible to have faith in God or a higher power when almost every single day something tragic seems to happen? Despite the chaos of life, what gives you faith that everything will be okay? Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I felt it was an appropriate time to speak with my college friend Darin Campbell. Darin is a father and husband, a devoted Christian and he was also a huge Kobe Bryant fan. I wanted to hear Darin's perspective on the tragic death of Kobe and I wonder if an athlete's personal life even matters as long as they can bring your favorite sports team a championship? I ask Darin how he still has faith even after an unspeakable tragedy strikes. Darin also talks about values and the meaning of life and he shares a personal story where he struggled with his own faith in God. We also talk about the good and bad of social media and what it's like raising children in the world of Instagram. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Evan Beigel
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Where do you find meaning in your day to day life? What gives you purpose and in a world that sometimes feels more confusing and dystopian than ever, what gives you faith that everything will be okay? Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I welcome musician, composer, husband, father and my friend Evan Beigel to the show. I met Evan almost twenty years ago when we spent a lot of time recording and making music together. In that time, we spent hours in the studio deep in the creative process but we also spent a lot of time watching sports and discussing the complexities of life. I'm still thinking about Kobe's tragic death and knowing that Evan is a huge sports fan, I wanted to hear how Kobe's death has impacted him. We talk about technology, social media and what it's like raising two children in this tech obsessed culture. We also discuss the confusion of life and I wonder how we find meaning when it often feels like there is no rhyme or reason to how life unfolds. We want be more intentional and in control but are we ever really fully in control of our lives? If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Sunday Feb 02, 2020
The Complexity Of Kobe And The Value Of Gatekeepers
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Is anyone simply good or bad? Can anyone actually be complicated? It feels as though we live in a world where people can only be good or bad and the potential to fully grasp the complexity of a human being is slipping away. Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I begin to turn the direction of the show beyond just the impact of technology. Of course, the show will always have a technology driven focus, but I want to dive deeper and talk about the complexity and fragility of life. I still can't get Kobe Bryant's tragic and sudden death out of my mind so I felt inspired to talk a little further about the complexity of Kobe Bryant. I also talk about forgiveness and do we as a society have a way of forgiving professional athletes as long as they can perform well on the court? I also play a clip from a recent Ezra Klein show where Ezra is talking with Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of Modern Jewish History and the author of Antisemitism : Here and Now. It feels as though we live in a society where everyone is their own gatekeeper and anyone can say just about anything. Is freedom of speech necessarily a good thing especially if there are no dependable gatekeepers anymore? If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Issa Rae's Little Jab, Values And A Little #Metoo
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
The Academy Award nominations came out last week and not one female director was nominated. After reading off the nominees, Issa Rae said, "Congratulations to all those men." So if a woman isn't nominated each year, then is the Academy just being sexist? Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I welcome my friend and actor Polly Humphreys to the show. We talk about the challenges women face in Hollywood trying to receive the same recognition as men. We talk about Issa Rae's comments and I wonder if her comments can actually cause change or was it it just bad timing and unfair to the other deserving nominees. We also discuss Harvey Weinstein, Bombshell, the #metoo movement and how our culture may be perpetuating this terrible behavior. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Kobe's Tragedy And The Magic Before Sunrise
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
I'll never forget where I was when I found out Kurt Cobain killed himself. I was driving through Topanga Canyon when my roommate called and told me the horrific news. Today is going to be another one of those kind of days where you'll probably never forget the moment when you heard the news that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash. I certainly am no expert on how to deal with grief and tragedy, but today on the Spiritual Spiral I felt inspired to share a few thoughts about the tragic passing of one of the all time greatest athletes. I also wonder why is it so many people rush to social media and post photos of famous celebrities who just passed away? I'm sure it's to try and sort it all out but I often think the best way to grieve is to do nothing but remember. Share stories over the phone or face to face or cry and talk with a loved one about the gift of life and the gift certain people bring into our lives. These are real heavy emotions that social media can't possibly replicate. I also share a few thoughts on one of the my favorite movies from the 90s called Before Sunrise. It stars Etahn Hawke and Julie Delpy and it's a beautiful love story about human connection and the complicated dynamics between men and women well before cell phones were around. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Thanks Dolly Parton For Today's Cultural Downgrade
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
How is it that Instagram can enrapture everyone so easily? Dolly Parton drops a photo on Instagram and within hours it seems everyone in America is on Instagram posting a silly photo. It makes no sense but in a world where our culture seems to be so easily manipulated by technology, I guess nothing should surprise me. Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I share my frustrations about a new trend happening on Instagram and it's all because of a seemingly innocent post from Dolly Parton. Ellen and Oprah shared their version and while it seems like this trend is no big deal, I believe anything that gets mass amounts of people to waste time on a social media platform is actually creating more harm than good. I talk about a latest blog post from Seth Godin and I play a clip from the Ezra Klein show where he and his guests discuss the changing climate of the work culture and how social media makes everyone feel like they have to post a photo in order for the event to exist. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

About the Spiritual Spiral
Social media and technology are dramatically impacting the world, shifting people‘s values and turning human beings into robots. The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to turn off your phone so you can appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories from his own life while also interviewing musicians, yoga teachers and artists to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.