The Downward Facing Spiritual Spiral

How is technology impacting your life? Sure there’s an abundance of conveniences from tech, but what happens when your own emotions and decision making is controlled by tech and social media? The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to be more present, to turn off your phone and appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories while also interviewing fellow creatives to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
#Santamonicaproblems And Playing The Game
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Why do we care so much about what actors think? Why do we look up to them when we have no idea who they really are? In Succession, Brian Cox's character says that "everyone is playing a game." Are the most successful people in the world simply the best actors playing the game? Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I talk about the Golden Globes and this concept of playing the game. Is everyone simply just using Instagram to play the game and how do we even know what's real and what isn't anymore? I discuss an Instagram page called #Santamonicaproblems which in graphic detail shows some of the issues plaguing the city. Rampant violence and homelessness. People urinating and defecating in city streets as well as an overabundance of drug use but is this page actually creating change? I talk about a recent Instagram post from Emily Ratajkowski and I also share thoughts about a recent conversation between Cal Newport and Ezra Klein where they talk about the loneliness epidemic amongst teenagers and what may be the cause. The New York Times reported in a recent article that sixteen teenagers kill themselves every day in America. Is social media the cause? If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eddiecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Criticism, A "Braintrust" And Do You Feel Like You Have To
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Saturday Jan 04, 2020
Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I share a few more thoughts about the importance of being critical. Don't be insensitive or cantankerous but I do believe there is a high value in finding a group of friends who can be critical and honest with you when you need them to be. I read an excerpt from a book I'm reading by Ed Catmull called Creativity Inc. Ed is the President of Pixar Inc. and in his amazing book he talks about the value of constructive criticism and creating your own "braintrust." I talk about HBO and why I believe they are still creating shows with much more thought and depth than anything I see on Netflix. I discuss the difference between wanting to do something versus feeling as though you have to. Do you want to be on social media or do you feel society's pressure to be on the platform. Do you ever take the time to find solitude to process the onslaught of information or do you just keep consuming? Are you thinking for yourself or merely thinking the thoughts of others? I also play a clip from the Ezra Klein show where Ezra speaks with one of my favorite writers and computer scientists, Cal Newport. Cal is the author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism and he talks about the value of finding solitude in your day to day life. If you enjoy the show, there are a few things you can do that would be incredibly helpful. You could share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. Message me on Instagram @eediecohn and say hello or you can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Lo Santos
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
The uber talented dancer extraordinaire Lo Santos joins me today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast. I met Lo about two years ago when she was teaching at LIT Method, a low intensity workout facility I used to attend quite regularly. Right away I was blown away by Lo's contagious and positive energy and I could instantly tell by the way she moved and danced around the room that she was an incredible dancer. Lo is originally from Guam so we talk about her upbringing, what it was like growing up on a small island in the middle of seemingly nowhere and how she first got into dance. She shares stories about early competitions where she travelled all around the world and how she ended up going to college in Hawaii. She eventually lands in New York and Los Angeles where she currently lives and after taking a brief hiatus from dance working more on the agency side of the business, she's been reinvigorated and is ready to pursue the art of dance again full time. Is Instagram good or bad for the dance community? Is it more important to work on your craft or spend more time creating a "brand?" What are some of the differences between the New York and LA dance scene? What are some of the opportunities available if you want to be a full time dancer as well as some of the challenges one can expect in the dance world? Be sure to follow Lo on Instagram @laurena22 where you can check out some of her amazing performances. Thanks so much for the amazing support in 2019 from all of you and I can't wait for 2020! If you enjoy the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
It's Okay To Criticize
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Social Media has created a world where people are scared to criticize anything. You'll be called a hater or you're just being negative. Maybe being critical is actually a good thing. Maybe critical thinking will actually make the world better. The world wants you to accept everything as is and just stare at your phone, scroll all day long and do nothing but post pretty little pictures all day and if you ever question what's going on, then there must be something wrong with you. Well that's what the world wants you to think. Technology is making people behave and think the same way so today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, i talk about how it's more important now than ever to act like an individual. Be yourself and stop doing something for more clicks or more "likes." I talk about a recent podcast where Ezra Klein speaks with Jaron Lanier about technology and I also share some thoughts about the latest Adam Sandler movie as well as Quentin Tarantino's new movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Just a hint... One of the movies I loved while the other one I thought was complete garbage. If you enjoy the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Instagram Can Make Anyone Feel Like A Celebrity
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
I get the sense Instagram has become exceedingly popular because it can turn anyone into a celebrity. Or rather, it possesses all the tools needed to make someone feel like they're living the life of a "celebrity." It's like your very own paparazzi, make-up artist, PR agent and TV show all wrapped in one seductive platform. Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I talk about this concept of why Instagram has become so popular. I also dive in and talk about a recent episode of the Ezra Klein Show where Ezra sits down and talks with one of my favorite writers, Dave Eggers. Dave doesn't own a smartphone nor does he have wifi. Is he crazy or is he aware that these tech devices, while adding potentially a lot of good to our lives, are merely just powerful distractions. I also talk about Uber and a recent trip to the airport, I give an update on how my book is going and I share some thoughts on The Irishman and Marriage Story, two movies I believe to be mostly boring and overrated. If you enjoy the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Monday Dec 09, 2019
Calvin Corzine and Paul Teodo
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Super stoked to welcome not only two guys I can call my friends, but they're also two really wonderful yoga teachers. Los Angeles and Bali based yoga teachers Calvin Corzine and Paul Teodo join me today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast. Paul was in town for just a day before flying to Arizona and since Calvin and Paul used to be roommates, I thought it would be cool to create a sort of roundtable discussion and talk about the current state of yoga. Should yoga be considered a fitness modality or looked at as a practice that can provide more depth and introspection? Are yoga teachers susceptible to becoming egomaniacal or is it just a part of the "god complex" that can arise when you're a teacher? We also talk Bikram, Jois, meditation, the importance of finding a good mentor, the differences and similarities between the yoga cultures of LA and Bali and of course we talk about tech and social media. You can find Paul on Instagram @teodoyogaguitar and Calvin @calvmonster. If you enjoy the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at As always, thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Jon Mattox
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
LA based Composer/Producer and Drummer Jon Mattox joins me today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast. Jon may be best known in LA as a film composer writing and creating music for numerous TV shows, video games and commercials, but he is also an incredibly talented studio drummer. Jon shares stories about his upbringing, how music played such a vital role in his life and what drew him to become a drummer in the first place. He talks about transitioning from touring with The Young Dubliners to building a home studio, becoming a studio based drummer as well as a film composer. We also talk about the current state of the music industry and if the full length record may become a thing of the past. We discuss Cal Newport's book Digital Minimalism, the value of quiet time and Jon shares some of the struggles he faces when it comes to promoting his work on social media. You can follow Jon on Instagram @Jonmattox and if you enjoy the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page at Thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Ezra, Coldplay and Being Reduced to a Ditty
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Is the world being reduced to a ditty? We text, DM, and we're limited by a certain amount of characters on Twitter. We can post a sixty second video on Instagram. How much time do you have to get someone's attention? We can only "like" a post. We can comment but how long do we have to wait until someone responds to our comment? Today on the Spiritual Spiral Podcast, I talk about how tech is impacting the creative process. I wonder if we're being reduced to a fragment of our fullest potential thanks to social media. I talk about the idea of how writing a little ditty is relatively easy compared to writing a book or writing a song. The world has an influx of little ditty's, but seriously lacks quality and depth of material. I play a clip from the Ezra Klein show where Ezra sits down and talks with Yauncey Strikcler, the co-founder of Kickstarter. Yauncey shares his struggles with social media and I also share a quick story about creating my own ditty and why I don't think the latest Coldplay record is very good. If you dig the show, please remember to share it with your friends or head on over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can also support the show by visiting my Patreon page. Thanks so much for listening and supporting the show.

About the Spiritual Spiral
Social media and technology are dramatically impacting the world, shifting people‘s values and turning human beings into robots. The Spiritual Spiral is here to inspire you to turn off your phone so you can appreciate a more ”analog” lifestyle. Join musician, writer and yoga teacher Eddie Cohn as he discusses the impact of tech and shares personal stories from his own life while also interviewing musicians, yoga teachers and artists to talk about how social media affects the world and what we can ALL do to be more creative, more present and less distracted.